New data on the Casta Tomb in Amphipolis revealed the group of scientists of the Aristotle University under Professor Gregory Tsokas.
A piece of charcoal to the backfill of the grave, on the outside next to the vaulted roof, which examined with modern methods the scientists C. Syridis, pp. Pavlidis, A. Chatzipetros, Gr. Tsokas, dates the construction in the second half of the 4th BC century!
The particular discovery confirms the dating of the burial monument.
Besides dating is interesting that column that captures a snake perched in tree was found outside the grave monument, at a nearby point of Kasta Tomb of Amphipolis.
According to the excavation team hypothesis, it may have been located on the site where the box-like case was.
This finding was not known to date.
This among others are the new elements contained in the scientific papers of the excavation team led by archaeologist mrs Peristeri within the 29th Archaeological Meeting of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Also, according to the architect in charge of the excavation Mr. Michael Lefantzis, there was a marble relief frieze at the base of the pedestal on which was the lion on top of the mound.
In this representation was reflected a typical Macedonian iconography with Macedonian soldiers, sarissa spears, shields, Macedonian helmet.
Indeed, according the assessment of the specialist in sculpture Mr. Antonio Corso the man leading the march of soldiers captures the portrait of Alexander the Great.
Among other things, reference was made to an urn (a handle was found in the box-like sheath bronze urn), referring to a dead by burning.
Also, the floor in the second chamber of the monument was found that there was a "square footprint" and, according to the excavation group estimates that there was a base for a statue in front of the "caryatides".
From ceramics which, according to Ms. Peristeri, covers the period between the 4thcentury B.C. till the Roman times, results that ceremonies were conducted there.
The excavators have repeatedly stressed that the dismantling of the tomb from the marbles of the enclosure and the monument was made by the Romans.
It is worth noting that mrs Peristeri noted that they have found Roman pottery to the 3rd century A.D.
However, the finding by the column with the snake reinforces the interpretation of rituals (chthonic worship) at the monument which, according to the head of the excavations in the tomb of Amphipolis mrs Peristeri, constructed, at least initially, as heroon honoring Hephaistion the last quarter of the 4th century.
Early indications for the skeletons As revealed in turn by Ms. Peristeri, prefacing the foregoing, according to the first, preliminary data from the anthropological study of skeletons found in the burial chamber, these are:
- Two men
- a woman
- A man burnt and
- Bones indicating a toddler
Indeed, as is clear from the study of Mr. Lefantzis, the dead body of the woman "was jusedt casted in the grave."
It is worth noting that both, K. Peristeri and M. Lefantzis insisted on absolute identification of the Lion of Amphipolis with Kasta Tomb and made it clear that the heads were found inside the monument abut completely on both ornate Sphinxes found at the entrance.
Architectural and structural features
Important elements for the architectural and structural features in the evolution of the monumental ensemble Kasta Tomb Amphipolis gave Mr. Lefantzis while striking was Mr. Corso analyzes sculpture focusing on the study of scattered marble reliefs from the area of the Casta Tomb in Amphipolis.
During the excavation, on the occasion of the death of Hephaistion was built the monument to the box-like housing.
The yard has consolidated the entire space, that had earlier heroic sanctity of burials, and becomes the roofing-and the lion at the top; the new cult of hero-general.
Sphinxes, daughters ( "caryatides") and pebble mosaic with the "Graspe of Persephone" place it to the same first phase that the monument was built, that is together with the arch.
It is noteworthy that, according to the architectural elements, the marble piece that was used for the construction of "Caryatides" has been associated with the marble that was used for the construction of the sculpture of the lion.
In the next building phase enters the door and the written frieze which is located high in the walls of the mosaic room.
At 12.30 on Friday afternoon began her lecture Mrs. Peristeri in front of the scientific public.
The rest of the excavation team followed her and became an extensive scientific debate until late afternoon, and there were given details from the excavation team.
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